Ordinances & Resolutions
Resolution 2025-01: Authorize design services for stormwater equipment storage building (1/6/2025)568.57 KB
Resolution 2025-03: Authorizing bid and contract for Akron Road turn lane project (1/6/2025)550.44 KB
Resolution 2025-04: Authorizing bid and contract for painting the Long Road Water Tank (1/6/2025)592.86 KB
Resolution 2025-05: Authorizing bid and contract for Oldman Road sanitary sewer extension (1/6/2025)544.2 KB
Ordinance 2024-03: Authorizing lease of property to Community Action Wayne/Medina (1/17/2024)588.81 KB
Ordinance 2024-05: Addition of Deputy Law Director to list of full-time positions (2/20/2024)1.36 MB
Ordinance 2024-14: Amending liquor permitting to include Freedlander Chalet patio (5/6/2024)979.31 KB
Ordinance 2024-18: Amending annual appropriation ordinance to appropriate ARPA funds (5/20/2024)496.35 KB
Ordinance 2024-25: Amending annual appropriation ordinance for Employee Benefits Fund (10/7/2024)500.87 KB
Ordinance 2024-26: Amending annual appropriation ordinance for transportation manager (10/7/2024)560.33 KB
Resolution 2024-08: Authorization to bid for Palmer Street waterline replacement (1/16/2024)525.08 KB
Resolution 2024-15: Authorization to enter contract for fuel purchases for city vehicles (1/16/2024)603.18 KB
Resolution 2024-16: Authorization to bid and enter contract for bituminous material (2/5/2024)604.9 KB
Resolution 2024-17: Authorization to bid and enter contract for city-wide mowing (2/5/2024)481.07 KB
Resolution 2024-18: Authorization to bid and enter contract of city property landscaping (2/5/2024)505.54 KB
Resolution 2024-19: Authorization for contract with Flowpoint Environmental Systems (2/5/2024)452.17 KB
Resolution 2024-22: Authorizing contract to replace flooring at Community Center (3/4/2024)503.45 KB
Resolution 2024-26: Authorizing bid for paving N & S Buckeye Street Parking Lots 3/18/2024)613.95 KB
Resolution 2024-36: Authorize bid and contract for W. Milltown Sanitary Sewer Extension (5/20/24)530.05 KB
Resolution 2024-37: Authorize bid & contract for microsurfacing Portage Rd & Palmer St (5/20/2024)602.81 KB
Resolution 2024-40: Authorize bid & contract for power service for Water Treatment Plant (5/20/2024)522.34 KB
Resolution 2024-45: Authorize purchase of Axon Fleet 3 in-car cameras for Police Dept (6/3/2024)544.39 KB
Resolution 2024-46: Adopt update to Anti-Displacement & Relocation Plan for CDBG (6/3/2024)614.68 KB
Resolution 2024-53: Authorize contract with Rettew for Biosolids Upgrade Phase One (6/17/2024)548.48 KB
Resolution 2024-55: Authorize purchase of a mini excavator for the Utilities Division (6/17/2024)607.22 KB
Resolution 2024-67: Authorizing contract with OHM for Christmas Run Pool design services (9/16/24)602.5 KB
Resolution 2024-68: Authorize expenditure of additional funds for transportation services (9/3/2024)591.38 KB
Resolution 2024-69: Authorizing application for federal funding of transportation program (9/3/2024)1021.19 KB
Resolution 2024-70: Authorizing purchase of EMS cardiac monitors for the Fire Department (9/16/24)561.91 KB
Resolution 2024-71: Authorizing purchase of EMS power cots for the Fire Department (9/16/24)556.59 KB
Resolution 2024-74: Authorizing cooperative agreement with ODOT for multi-use path (9/16/24)650.93 KB
Resolution 2024-76: Authorizing bid and contract for fuel services for city vehicles (9/16/24)618.12 KB
Resolution 2024-79: Authorize purchase of flock cameras for the Police Department (10/7/2024)550.2 KB
Resolution 2024-80: Authorize payment of three invoices for products or services (10/7/2024)558.27 KB