Leaf Collection

Leaf Collection Information

The City of Wooster will be starting the first round of leaf pick up for 2024 on Monday, October 28th. 

Please refrain from placing sticks and branches in the leaf piles. In the event of an emergency or inclimate weather the Leaf Collection Operations may need to be suspended and even canceled.

Leaf Crew

PPM collects on average five million pounds of leaves annually, which equals 825 truckloads hauled to a local compost facility, which is enough leaves to cover a football field over six feet high. We collect leaves 600 curb miles on average every fall.

NOTE: Any yard waste placed at the curb before and after City of Wooster leaf collection is going to be placed in the landfill. The only time that the yard waste will be recycled, is during the specific leaf collection dates in the fall and the biodegradable bags ARE required for that.

Message from the Mayor
Message from the Mayor

Dear Residents of Wooster:

The City of Wooster's Public Properties Maintenance (PPM) Division will begin our fall leaf pickup on Monday, October 28th. This operation can be more effective and efficient if the following guidelines are followed:

1.) All leaves should be at the curb the day before your street is scheduled for pickup. We will only pickup leaves on your street once on your scheduled day. We will not return to your street if you rake your leaves after we go by your property on the scheduled day. Please advise your landscaper of the days and dates of your scheduled pickup so they will have your leaves ready for pickup in advance of the pickup days.

2.) Please rake leaves to the tree lawn or at the road edge in 3 to 4 ft. wide windrows. Do not place leaves in the street or behind sidewalk, trees, signs, etc. Raked leaves are not to be placed in the street. In addition to being a traffic hazard, leaf piles in the street can cause storm sewer problems including water backing-up into basements. 

3.) Please remove all vehicles from the street by 7:00 a.m. on your scheduled day. We will not rake leaves around the cars and we will not return to your street if your leaves were blocked.

4.) Please do not put sticks, branches, stones, trash, garden debris, etc. in the leaf pile. These tend to clog our machines and can cause extensive and costly damage. Piles containing debris will not be collected.

5.) Review the leaf pickup schedule listed by street below. If your street is not listed, please consult the map for your street location/section and the corresponding schedule dates contained in the legend.

The City crews will do their best to keep to the scheduled day, however, due to unforeseen circumstances, such as severe inclement weather or equipment breakdowns, we may at times fall behind schedule. If you have questions regarding leaf pickup details, please review the information provided here on our website or call 330-263-5275 (Monday-Friday 7:30AM-3:30PM.)

Your cooperation will be appreciated.


Bob Reynolds