
Wooster Police Department

3333 Burbank Road

Emergency:  911

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AMBER Alerts
Are AMBER Alerts issued for all missing children?

AMBER Alerts are issued for abducted children when the situation meets the AMBER Alert criteria. AMBER Alert is only one tool that law enforcement can use to find abducted children. AMBER Alerts should be reserved for those cases that meet the AMBER criteria. Overuse of AMBER Alert could result in the public becoming desensitized to Alerts when they are issued. 

What are the criteria for issuing AMBER Alerts?

AMBER Alert Criteria:

  • Law enforcement confirms that the child is under 18 years of age.
  • Law enforcement believes the abduction poses a credible threat of immediate danger of serious bodily harm or death to the child.
  • There is sufficient descriptive information about the child, the suspect, and/or the circumstances surrounding the abduction to believe that activation of the alert will help to locate the child.
  • A law enforcement agency determines that the child is not a runaway and has not been abducted as a result of a family abduction, unless the investigation determines that the child is in immediate danger of serious bodily harm or death.
I would like to speak to someone about my experience with an officer.

Anyone with a complaint or wishing to pass along positive comments about their experience with an officer is encouraged to call 330-287-5702. Every effort will be made to have a supervisor contact you within 24 hours. That supervisor will initiate any further action. 

Calls for Service
I would like to make a criminal report but it’s not an emergency, what should I do?

Call the Police non-emergency number 330-287-5702.  The dispatcher will take your information and put you in contact with an officer.

Can I file a complaint via Facebook?

We ask that you not make any criminal complaints via Facebook. Dial 911 if it’s an emergency or call 330-287-5702 for non-emergencies.

I left a message for an officer or filed a criminal complaint and I haven’t heard from the officer in a couple days. 

Our patrol division works 12 hour shifts so they don’t work a “normal” Monday through Friday schedule.  If you haven’t heard from them it may be because they may be in their scheduled days off (which may be Wednesday and Thursday depending on the week). 

I received a letter from the Wooster Police Department indicating that I have property to pick up, what should I do?  Should I just stop in? 

Call 330-287-5720 and ask to speak to our Administrative Supervisor. She will schedule you an appointment to retrieve your property. It’s important that you set an appointment and not just stop in as she is the only one permitted to get your property. If you stop in and she’s not there, you will have wasted the trip. 

Solicitor’s Permits
Does the City of Wooster require a Solicitor’s Permit to go door to door?

Yes, as pursuant to Chapter 725 of the City of Wooster Codified Ordinances, no person or organization shall sell or go from door to door soliciting the purchase of or gift of any goods or other articles of value unless they are the holder of a license which is in full force and effect.

How do I obtain a Solicitor’s Permit?

To obtain a valid Solicitor’s Permit, please complete an application and return it to the Chief of Police along with BCI fingerprint checks. Contact your local Sheriff’s department to complete this check. A BCI fingerprint check must be completed for each representative who will be going door to door. Applications not accompanied by such a report will not be processed. Once the Chief of Police has reviewed the application and BCI fingerprint checks, you will be advised whether or not your application has been approved and if approved, a time will be scheduled to pick up your permit(s) at the Police Department and the $50.00 license fee (one fee per organization) will be collected at that time. All licenses issued shall expire as of December 31 following the date of issuance and must renew per calendar year.

Peddlers and Solicitors

725.01 Peddler’s and solicitor’s license. 725.05 Revocation or suspension of
725.02 License; fee. license.
725.03 Exemptions 725.99 Penalty.
725.04 Hours.

Power to regulate – see Ohio R.C. 715.61 et seq.
Home solicitation sales – see Ohio R.C. 1345.21 et seq.
Charitable solicitations – see Ohio R.C. Ch. 1716

No person or organization shall sell or offer for sale, barter or exchange, or to from door to door soliciting the purchase of or gift of any goods, wares, merchandise or other articles of value or money, in any place in, upon, along or through the streets, alleys or other public places within the City, unless he is the holder of a license which is in full force and effect and issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. Each solicitor, peddler or organization shall have some form of identification and proof of license which shall be exhibited to the purchaser, police officer or City official upon demand.
(Ord. 1985-32. Passed 11-18-85.)
725.02 LICENSE; FEE.
Any person or organization desiring to sell or offer for sale, barter or exchange, or to solicit from door to door the purchase of or gift of any goods, wares, merchandise or other articles of value, or to solicit donations, within the City, shall make application to the Chief of Police who, upon being furnished with sufficient proof that such person is of good moral character, shall issue to such applicant a license and shall charge for the same the following amount:

(a) All peddlers and solicitors, except as hereinafter exempted, shall be charged . for a license the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) per calendar year.
(b) All licenses issued hereunder shall expire of December 31 following the date

Of issuance. (Ord. 1994-14. Passed 5-16-94.)

Off-Duty Officer Request
Can I request an off-duty Officer to assist with security for an event I am having?

Yes, to hire an off-duty Officer to assist with an event, a request form must be completed and submitted to the Police Department. For non-profit organizations, the hourly rate is $45.00.  The Officer’s regular overtime rate will apply for all other organizations. There is a two hour minimum requirement for any event. The request form can be found here: https://www.woosteroh.com/sites/default/files/2025-01/OFF%20DUTY%20OFFI…

Once the completed request form is submitted, it will be reviewed and a sign-up sheet will be posted for all Officers to review. You may check in with the business office by calling 330-287-5720 periodically to verify if an Officer has signed up for the detail. 

Downtown Residential Parking
If I live downtown, how do I obtain a parking permit?

If you reside within the downtown residential district, as defined in section 351.18 of the City of Wooster Codified Ordinances, you have the option of purchasing a downtown residential parking permit. This parking permit would allow you to park, without a time limit, in any of the off-street city lots in a three hour parking space. You may complete a Downtown Residential Parking Form online by clicking below or by visiting the Building and Standards Department at City Hall.

College Residential Parking
If I live near the college, how do I obtain a parking permit?

If you reside within the college residential district, as defined in section 351.192 of the City of Wooster Codified Ordinances, you must obtain a valid college residential parking permit to park on-street within the defined district. Please complete an Application for Residential Parking Permit by clicking below or by visiting the Building and Standards Department at City Hall.

Permit Parking
Can I purchase a permit for a parking space downtown?

Yes, there is permit-only parking available in the North Buckeye, South Buckeye and Merchant Block parking lots. The North Buckeye parking lot is located at the corner of North St. and Buckeye St., the South Buckeye parking lot is located at the corner of South St. and Buckeye St. and the Merchant Block parking lot is located near the corner of Liberty St. and Walnut St. Please complete an Application for Parking Permit by clicking below or visit/call the Building and Standards Department (330) 263-5241 at City Hall.

Copies of Reports
How do I obtain a copy of a criminal report and/or an accident report?

You can obtain a copy of a criminal and/or accident report at the Records window at the City of Wooster Safety Center at 3333 Burbank Rd. The hours of operation are 0800 - 1130 and 1230 -1500 Monday through Friday. You may also email your request to wpdrecords@woosteroh.com or fax your request to 330-287-5787. You may also obtain a copy of your report online under Public Records Requests on the City's website.

Parking Tickets
How do I pay my parking ticket?

You can pay your parking ticket in person at the Wooster Safety Center at 3333 Burbank Rd. or at Wooster City Hall at 538 N. Market St. via cash or check only between the hours of 0800 - 1600, Monday through Friday. There is also a fine payment box in the lobby of the Wooster Safety Center that you can access 24/7. You may also pay your ticket online with a debit or credit card or you can mail your payment to the Wooster Safety Center 3333 Burbank Rd., Wooster OH  44691.

Safety Center
Wooster Police Department
General Contacts
Department Contacts

Matthew Fisher

Chief of Police

(330) 287-5720


Scott Rotolo

Assistant Chief of Police

(330) 287-5720


Anthony Lemmon




Victor Nedoma




Melanie Grabowski 

Administrative Supervisor

(330) 287-5720


Clint Bartolic

Patrol Sergeant


Michael Shonk

Patrol Sergeant


Greg Kolek

Patrol Sergeant


Tom Webber

Patrol Sergeant


Dan Whitmore

Patrol Sergeant
