Micro Soccer Academy
This program offers youth in pre-school and kindergarten a chance to begin to develop fundamental soccer skills. Participants will meet for two one hour sessions a week. Weeknight classes are meant to work on basic soccer skills and weekend classes offer a chance to play in a game like setting. This program is a great stepping stone to prepare your child to participate in the youth soccer league, and is offered twice a year once in the spring and then again in the fall.
Spring Micro Academy Registration will be open February 7th.

Pre-School T-Ball
An instructional clinic designed for 3 – 5 year olds. Participants will need to bring their own glove. All other equipment will be provided. The basics will be taught in a fun learning environment. Parental involvement is expected. This T-ball program is offered two times a year, once in June and then again in July for preschool and kindergarten aged children that focuses on fundamentals and gross motor skills.

Summer Smash Youth Tennis Camp
NEO USTA is excited to bring Wooster the Summer Smash Youth Tennis Camp! It is a great way for your child to try tennis. For just $30/ resident ($40/ non-resident), your child will receive 4 lessons & a t-shirt. This camp is for kids entering Third – Eighth grade. Racquets will be provided for player use during the camp.
End of June

Track Camp
The Youth Track Camp is designed for youth in 3rd-8th grade and all skill levels. Coaches will provide track instruction and training. The camp will be on fundamentals of running - both sprinting and distance running, as well as instruction on field events. The goal of the camp is to help develop proper running mechanics and techniques to help young athletes.

Pre-Season Swim Team
This program, for youth 5 yrs. old and up is offered to get prepared for competitive swim. Running Monday - Thursday evenings in May, it offers a great opportunity to get re-acclimated to the water and begin getting in shape to be competitive in the summer season. Swim team experience is required.
Competitive Swim
This program, is for youth 5 yrs. old and up. Training and competition are organized by age and ability levels. Group assignments are completed by the coaching staff. Swim Meets take place on weeknights and weekends. The program runs late May - late July.
2024 Pool Season

Youth Volleyball
Instructional leagues/clinics for grades 4th- 6th are offered multiple times throughout the year to help girls learn the fundamentals of volleyball in a fun environment. Volleylites and lowered nets are utilized to help each player develop their skills and be successful. This program is offered multiple times throughout the year in October and again in March.
Spring Registration will be open February 7th.

Youth Soccer
This program offers participants an opportunity to develop their skills in both an instructional and game setting. A six week league is offered in the Fall and Spring each year to youth in 1st - 8th grades. Each season Wooster teams play teams of students from Wayne and surrounding counties.
Spring Registration will be open February 7th.

1st and 2nd Grade Basketball
This program offers youth in 1st and 2nd grade a chance to learn the fundamental skills needed to help them develop their love for basketball. All participants will attend three weeks of clinics meant to introduce them to the basic skills necessary for basketball. At the conclusion of those three weeks participants are placed on a team for league games. The league consists of 3 on 3 games, 8 ½ foot baskets, smaller balls and courts, instructional officiating and no score is kept. Depending on registration numbers, girls and boys may be placed on separate teams or together. This program runs each year January - February.
Youth Basketball
Youth basketball is offered for students in grades 3rd - 6th. This program provides opportunities for area youth to develop skills in basketball through practices and games. Weeknight practices offer fundamental skill development and weekend games allow their skills to be used against other youth teams from Wayne County. This league is held January - March each year.

Art Classes
Painting Perspective Art Class
This class will provide opportunities for teens at any skill level to explore new methods and ideas when using the medium of paint. Each session, students will be provided a variety of tools and strategies to create uniquely expressive images.
This group is designed for youth ages 14 - 17 years old.
The 6 week session will be from January 27 - March 10.
Monday evenings at the Wooster Community Center (241 S. Bever St.) from 5:30pm-7:00pm.

Daddy Daughter Dance
This event is held annually on a Saturday evening in November or December and provides an opportunity for dads with daughters ages 3-13 to experience a special night out with one another. Each year a new themed dance is offered along with professional photographs (provided by Calais Photography), light refreshments, discounted restaurant tickets, a craft and additional activity for dads and daughters to participate in together. Themes over the years have been Wizard of Oz, Be Our Guest, Mad Haters Ball and Luau.
Mom and Son Event
This event is held annually on a Saturday afternoon in the spring, and provides a chance for moms and sons ages 5-12 to experience an afternoon of fun designed just for them. Each year a new activity is offered along with a photo booth, and refreshments. Activities offered have been a mom and me dance, a bowling event and a ninja warrior themed activity.
Whiz Bang Science Show - Registration opens February 7th
Trout Derby
The Izaak Walton League in partnership with the Wooster Recreation department offers an annual fishing derby at Freedlander Park on Saturday, May 4th. The day begins with a clinic, presented by the Ohio Division of Wildlife, which will go over the essentials of fishing and water safety, and is required for participation in the derby. This is a FREE event, open to kids ages 1-15 years old and their families. No pre-registration is required.
Santa's Mailbox
Each year Santa's mailbox is placed in the center of Downtown Wooster on the square. Join in the Christmas spirit by sitting down with your little ones and writing a letter to Santa Claus. Drop your letters in Santa’s Mailbox downtown on the square and they will be flown special delivery to the North Pole. Be sure to include a self addressed envelope with postage to make sure he knows where to send his reply!